Saturday, December 05, 2015


Et flott ord.     
Flott låt! 

Individer kan skape sterke fellesskap, og sterke fellesskap kan skape individer. Jeg er skeptisk til gjenger – det har jeg alltid vært, samtidig som jeg har satt pris på nære fellesskap. Problemet med gjenger er at det lett kan oppstå konformitet, og en holdning som er i utakt med virkeligheten. Samtidig kan det ha en tendens til at folk går hverandre på nervene. Ordet vennskap er imidlertid fint, fordi det utgjøres av et ord som er bøyd i substantiv ubestemt form entall. Gode fellesskap synes jeg bygger på toleranse, grensesetting, åpenhet, integritet og raushet, blant annet. 

“The obvious child”
En flott låt av Paul Simon, er denne – der trommene i lydkulissene reflekter en form for individuelt samhold – og hele lydbilde utviser en respekt for ulike musikalske uttrykk.  Fremtredende er ordet obvious child som viser ethvert menneskets egenverdi, og det er først og fremst stemningen i sangen som jeg synes beskriver vennskap på en god måte - det er noe verdig over det. For vi har alle barnet i oss. Skal jeg beskrive en god kamerat med ett ord, vil jeg velge det norske ordet real. 

I'm accustomed to a smooth ride
Or maybe I'm a dog who's lost its bite
I don't expect to be treated like a fool no more
I don't expect to sleep through the night
Some people say a lie's a lie's a lie
But I say why
Why deny the obvious child?
Why deny the obvious child?

And in remembering a road sign
I am remembering a girl when I was young
And we said, these songs are true
These days are ours
These tears are free
And hey
The cross is in the ballpark
The cross is in the ballpark

We had a lot of fun
We had a lot of money
We had a little son and we thought we'd call him Sonny
Sonny gets married and moves away
Sonny has a baby and bills to pay
Sonny gets sunnier
Day by day by day by day

I've been waking up at sunrise
I've been following the light across my room
I watch the night receive the room of my day
Some people say the sky is just the sky
But I say
Why deny the obvious child?
Why deny the obvious child?

Sonny sits by his window and thinks to himself
How it's strange that some rooms are like cages
Sonny's yearbook from high school
Is down from the shelf
And he idly thumbs through the pages
Some have died
Some have fled from themselves
Or struggled from here to get there
Sonny wanders beyond his interior walls
Runs his hand through his thinning brown hair

Well I'm accustomed to a smoother ride
Maybe I'm a dog that's lost his bite
I don't expect to be treated like a fool no more
I don't expect to sleep all night
Some people say a lie is just a lie
But I say the cross is in the ballpark
Why deny the obvious child?

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