Monday, January 01, 2018

The brightest side of life

Flott låt! 
-          a song to a lady

This is traditional norwegian folk music!

Før nyttår gikk det et flott program om Finn Kalvik på NRK1. Dette gav meg inspirasjon til å oversette en av hans aller flotteste sanger.

The morning come
The bird is gone
To pick some food, and give it to the small ones
When the sunlight breaks through
I got thinking about you
And I slowly hear a distant sound of some drums

I’m on the sea
And I am free
And whole the coastline waiting for a visit
And when I hear returning bird
It is the nicest ever heard
The Norwegian coast – I think you should not miss it.

Here, the brightest side of life is where I belong
And some day I will hope you also come along
Here, I listen to my soul
Here, I set my future goal
Get filled with all the beauty of tomorrow

The life is like, a beauty hike
A travel, where you seeking for the answers
You never know the folks, who give you tears and jokes
Now I’m feeiling like I am some of the advancers

Here, the brightest side of life is where I belong
And some day I will hope you also come along
Here, I listen to my soul
Here, I set my future goal
Get filled with all the beauty of tomorrow

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